Visa Immigration

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Canada Immigration

Canada Immigration

Main reasons for people to immigrate to Canada is the approach taken by the Canadian government. According to 2016 Canadian census data, 21.9% of Canadian population were or had ever been a landed immigrant or permanent residence in Canada. Canada and Australia are the most receptive of immigrants among western countries. This change is mainly because of the aging demography of Canada with the number of older citizens to be doubled by 2036 making it vital for Canada to encourage skilled immigrants for the economic growth of the country.

Now for the immigration policy, Canadian government has categorised immigrants in four classes:

Family Class: Closely related persons of Canadian residents living in Canada.

Economic Immigrants: Skilled workers and business people.

Refugees: people who are escaping persecution, torture or cruel and unusual punishments.

The humanitarian and other category: Accepted as immigrants for humanitarian or compassionate reasons.
If, an Indian want to move to Canada there are number of Immigrants programmes to avail from. Some major Canada immigrants programmes for economic immigrants are as follows:

Express Entry Programme: Express Entry Immigration Programme is for skilled labours, businessmen to apply for mainly preference is given to younger age group. Express Entry Programme is point based programme(for calculating your point visit: ) There are streams under which you can apply for:

canada express entry

Federal Skilled Worker Class(FSWC): For those having work experience of 1 or more than 1 year.


Canadian Experience Class(CEC): For those people who have gained experience working in Canada and now are looking for permanent residence.


Federal Skilled Trade Class(FSTC): For those having qualified work experience in a skilled trade.


Provincial Nominee Programme: Canadian Province or territories also nominate candidates for Canadian Permanent Residence Visa. Each Province have their own conditions or requirements to be fulfilled by the candidates applying for permanent residence visa for that particular Province or Territory. PNP works in two ways, One is when it works in line with Express Entry Programme and other that is not in line with that is known as base stream. PNP often favors those candidates that have acquired work experience from their Province or have relatives living in the same Province/Territory.


Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programme: This programme is for those having job offers in of the Atlantic Provinces namely Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland or Labrador. Submitted application take around six months to be completed.


Immigration to Quebec: For those individuals who want to permanently reside in Province of Quebec(French speaking majority Province), home to the city of Monreal. Quebec Province select their own immigrants, who are issued a Quebec Selection Certificate(CSQ). Certificates are issued to internationals students, graduates and skilled workers in Quebec under the Quebec Experience Programme(PEQ).


Entrepreneur Start-up Visa: This is programme is relatively new to the selection of programmes for Canadian Visa. With the support of a designated organisations, applicants are in a strong position to make their business idea a successful business in Canada.

Here are Canadian immigration programmes under Family Class immigration:


1. Common-Law Sponsorship: A common law relationship is when a couple has cohabited for at least 12 months in a relationship that can be proven as co-dependent. If you want to have your partner to have a Canadian Permanent Residence Visa you can approach Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada(IRCC) with valid proof of your relationship. Government of Canada aims to process the application within 12 months.


2. Sponsorship of Dependent Children: Dependent foreign children of age upto 21 years inclusive of Canadian citizens and permanent residence. There are no set intakes period or limits of applications set by IRCC. Eligibility criteria is of familiarity between the sponsor and sponsored candidate. With the age limit increased from 18 to 21 years, more sponsors are allowed to apply for Canada Permanent Visa. Time for application process depends on the location you are applying from.

There are also some Temporary Work Permits for Canadian Visa:


International Experience Canada(IEC): This programme is valid for residents of 33 countries including Australia, UK, Iceland etc. Every year, a number of working visa is allocated to the participating countries. Candidates have to submit their applications on Canadian immigration website and selected ones may get invite to apply for the visa. Successful candidates gets a Letter Of Invitation which you have to show at the time of entry in Canada in order to have a work permit issued. Main advantage of this programme is that it allows you to have work experience which in turns helps you to apply for Canada Permanent Residence Visa.


Intra Company Transfer: Employees wishing to work in their Canada Branch of business have to apply for it. For this to be applicable, employee must have minimum experience of 1 year working in the same business. Work experience gained from this will eventually help in getting Canada Permanent Residence Visa.


Study In Canada: This programme is for individuals wish to pursue study programme at college in Canada. If your study programmes duration is more than six months than a study permit is required. In order to obtain it, a Letter of Acceptance to a DLI and proof of funds is required. Study permit applications are processed within a few weeks, with expedited processing times for eligible students in key Asian partner countries.


Get all the expert advice and consultation related to the immigration for Canada from the best Canada Permanent Residence Visa Consultant – Visabuddy. Here to help and plan your next step in life by helping you to move to Canada .

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